Here is our beautiful room!!!

We stayed at a really nice hotel - the Mayflower. It's in downtown DC, just a few blocks from Dupont Circle. It was built back in 1925 and has hosted the Inaugural Ball since Coolidge.

Here is a photo of the table set up for our lunch one of the days during the conference. Lovely!

And our plate of food! Twas very yummy!
Most of the trip was spent in the hotel going to lectures and workshops, but on Saturday our boss Claudia allowed us to skip the closing activities and just see the city! We went to the FDR memorial, the Korean memorial, the Vietnam memorial, the WWII memorial, and the Lincoln memorial. All so awesome. I really truly want to go back there again and experience them all with Jon.
Next, we stopped off at the Smithsonian (Natural History), National Gallery of Art, and the Native American Indian museum. They were all great! You could spend a week there looking at everything.
Here is probaly the coolest photo I took: Union Station. It is pretty much a glorified metro station with some cool shops and cafes and whatnot.

And finally, on a non-trip note, I bought myself a few treats!