Wii day. For gamers such as me, this day has been in the making for longer than we can remember. Recently there were rumors of possible shortages... demand would be high, especially due to the hype generated on the internet. We decided the best course of action would be to wait in line outside our local Target this morning before they opened. I managed to get there about 6:00 (they opened at 8:00). This particular store was to have 39 in stock the first day. I was not a moment too soon! I stepped into the line, 37th person from the door.
It was a cold, cold morning... but it was worth it. I snapped this picture with my phone in the car.

Allie and I spent the rest of the day (after I got home at 9:00) setting it up and playing games. Man, it's amazing. Everything I thought it would be. Here's another shot in case the first one's not believable:

Everyone should get a Wii!
What games did you get?
So far, the only games we have are Zelda: Twilight Princess and Wii Sports (which comes with the console).
You went to Target just to wii? I wee at home....
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